Friday, September 27, 2013

Our Daily Red Table Wine

Year: 2012
Price: $8.99

Mike says: Our Daily Red features the hand of God instilling life into man. Pretty lofty implication there wine. While the wine has failed to instill life into me, it has instilled an slightly inflated ego, relaxed my social anxiety and increased my confidence around the opposite sex. Hey baby, you come here often?

This wine also eases the pain of rejection.

Guest Blogger Lisa says: So remember that time when Jesus was at that wedding and they ran out of booze and he was all like "That shit is whack, ima go make my own shit you cheap bastards?"  And the head chef or whoever was like "Man, most people get people shit faced on the good stuff and then switch it out to the crap, but you got people shit faced on the crap and saved the good stuff for now, WAY TO SWITCH IT UP JESUS?"  Well I can  say that if Our Daily Red at all resembles Jesus's best efforts of yesteryore I'd be PISSED, and not on the wine.

Kristina says:  Yea though I walk through the aisle of discount wines, I fear no evil, for I have already had Our Daily Red and it is bad. The label boasts several times that this wine is "organic" and even "vegan friendly" (unlike that beef wine I was planning to pick up). I should have known something was up; "organic" and "cheap" are uncommon bedfellows.  Our Daily Red doesn't give any description of what flavors one is supposed to taste or what to pair it with, so let me fill in the blanks: Our Daily Red has sharp overtones of battery acid and a hint of acetone. It would pair well with Domino's pizza, or White Castle sliders.

Deliver us from evil.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Liberty School - 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon

Mike Says: I bought this wine because the wine store display purported that Liberty School received 90 wine points by the Wine Point Distribution Association, or something.  Liberty School is pleasantly tart with a nice finish, but 90 goddamn points? What the shit? When I drink 90 point wine I expect unparalleled euphoria, not mild enjoyment

Money has changed hands, there is no other explanation for a merely decent wine such as this to receive 90 mother fucking wine points. I've never been so outraged in all my life.

Speaking of money changing hands, slap about 12 bucks into the hands of the liquor store and they'll give you Liberty School wine.

Kristina Says: I'm not sure what Mike was expecting from 90 wine points, but I thought it was pretty good for the price. I mean really, a grade of 90 is only barely an A- and I feel this wine is a solid B+/A-. I think Mike needs to go back to Liberty School to relearn Liberty Math.

I would drink this wine again; I think it would pair well with Liberty Cabbage and Freedom Fries.