Friday, September 21, 2012

Santa Rita 120 Cabernet Sauvignon

Year: 2008
Country: Chile
Cost: $6.99

Mike Says: 120 Cabernet Sauvignon claims to honor 120 patriots who helped lead Chile to independence. I'm not sure if 7 dollar wine is the best way to honor someone. If I were to be honored I'd want to wine to be 50 bucks minimum. I'd be insulted if someone honored me with mere 7 dollar wine. That is an insult and I am insulted. If someone where to insult me so, I'd call them up and hold the phone to my nut sack. "Say hello to your mother, you cheap wine buying dickshit!"

By the way, the wine tastes fine. Especially for being so inexpensive.

Kristina Says: 120 is 17 times the cost of this wine, and that's normally the kind of ratio I'd steer away from in a beverage's cost-to-name ratio.  However, I'd say this wine is easily 1.75 times better (perhaps even twice as good) as the two-for-eight-dollar Gato Negro.  I'd go on about the glorious virtues of the 120 noble Chileans who bravely hid in a wine cellar to somehow free Chile from. . . I don't know who.  Apparently I need to go brush up on Chilean history, and drink another toast to those patriots.

Would buy again.