Saturday, March 3, 2012

Paso Creek Cabernet Sauvignon

Year: 2008
Cost: $14.99

Mike says: Despite boasting the word creek in the name, the label is clearly a tree with an owl perched on a branch. This makes zero sense. I don't know what to believe in anymore.

Dadaist label aside Paso Creek is a pretty good wine. Simple and tart, it doesn't put on airs and walk around like it owns the place. What's that you say? That description doesn't make a lot of sense? We'll neither does a tree label on a wine name after a creek! Whoa!

When you're done recovering from your blown mind I'll turn things over to Kristina. I'm gonna go enjoy this wine.

Kristina says: This wine was selected via a rigorous screening process.  First qualification: I liked the label's graphic, a silhouette of an owl in a spooky tree.  Second qualification: upon further inspection, the graphic and name of the wine proved to be embossed or painted or something on there.  This overcame my initial objection to the price,  $4.99 over my intended wine expenditure.  I am glad it did, for this wine may have cost $14.99, but it easily tastes like $17.99 (which means in a restaurant it might set me back $35 or more).  Price aside, this is a solid cab; delicious on its own, or as the back label suggests, with "big food" (I assume this to be the opposite of things like baby corn, cocktail wieners, and those atrocious little hamburgers known as "sliders"). I bet it would taste awesome with one of those giant steaks which is free if you can finish it.

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