Saturday, January 14, 2012

Glass Mountain 2003 Merlot

Mike Says: Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. People who live in glass houses built on a glass mountain probably shouldn't throw much of anything. Farting is probably a risky activity.

Glass mountain (the wine) didn't throw any rocks or fart in my mouth, so that's cool. Unfortunately the wine didn't do much of anything in my mouth. Things should do things in my mouth. Well most things should do things in my mouth, things like wine.

Glass mountain is inoffensive, but bland; like your grandmother before she drinks too much wine.

Kristina Says: As a child I thoroughly enjoyed the fairy tale "The Princess and the Glass Mountain" which involved a princess forced to sit atop a glass mountain and wait for a suitable suitor to be able to make his way to the top.  While she waited, she threw golden apples down the side of the mountain as gifts to the knight she liked the most, to entice him to keep trying.  I wish someone would toss me a golden apple to entice me to try this wine again.  Upon further reflection, the princess must have been lacking in either the looks or personality department, seeing as how she needed to bribe her potential husband just to keep him from giving up.  As for Glass Mountain The Wine, I no longer remember how many golden apples I shelled out for it, but would not drink again unless it was less than eight apples.

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