Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tisdale No listed year (A wine for the ages!) 12.0% alcohol synthetic cork. 2 for $9.99 (a bargain!)

Kristina Says:

Tisdale lured us in from the bargain wines with it’s quality label graphic design (and two for ten dollar price tag). Sadly, you cannot judge a book by its cover and you shouldn’t judge a wine by its label (no matter how often you read about that study where the wine enthusiasts rated cheap wine better when it was served in an expensive-looking bottle). Tisdale claims to have “blackberry and plum” flavors, but tastes more like wine that has been left open on the kitchen table all night after a party, drank only because it would be a shame to pour it down the drain.

Mike Says:

Tisdale is the Kris of red wines, neither dry nor sweet, neither mild, nor strong, and despite its lofty label claims, it is neither blackberry nor plum. However 4 bucks and change for bottle? Sign me up. I’ll say this; Tinsdale is worlds better than the drain cleaner 90% of churches serve at communion. This assessment comes from the school of thought that no flavor is better than bad flavor

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